Monday, January 26, 2009

Interrupt Services DOS, BIOS, EMS and Mouse

Intel Defined CPU Exception Table (see notes)
IBM PC Hardware Interrupt Table (in order of priority)
Interrupt Table as Implemented by System BIOS/DOS

INT 5 - Print Screen
INT 8 - System timer
INT 9 - Keyboard Interrupt (Hardware Handler)
INT 10 - Video BIOS Services
INT 10,0 - Set Video Mode
INT 10,1 - Set Cursor Type
INT 10,2 - Set Cursor Position
INT 10,3 - Read Cursor Position and Size
INT 10,4 - Read Light Pen Position
INT 10,5 - Select Active Display Page
INT 10,6 - Scroll Window Up
INT 10,7 - Scroll Window Down
INT 10,8 - Read Character and Attribute at Cursor Position
INT 10,9 - Write Character and Attribute at Cursor Position
INT 10,A - Write Character Only at Current Cursor Position
INT 10,B - Set Color Palette
INT 10,C - Write Graphics Pixel at Coordinate
INT 10,D - Read Graphics Pixel at Coordinate
INT 10,E - Write Text in Teletype Mode
INT 10,F - Get Video State
INT 10,10 - Set/Get Palette Registers (EGA/VGA)
INT 10,11 - Character Generator Routine (EGA/VGA)
INT 10,12 - Video Subsystem Configuration (EGA/VGA)
INT 10,13 - Write String (BIOS versions from 1/10/86)
INT 10,14 - Load LCD Character Font (convertible only)
INT 10,15 - Return Physical Display Parms (convertible)
INT 10,1A - Video Display Combination (VGA)
INT 10,1B - Video BIOS Functionality and State Information (MCGA/VGA)

Video BIOS Dynamic Functionality State Table (MCGA/VGA)
Video BIOS Static Functionality Table
INT 10,1C - Save/Restore Video State (VGA only)
INT 10,FE - Get DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer
INT 10,FF - Update DESQView/TopView Virtual Screen Regen Buffer

INT 11 - BIOS Equipment Determination / BIOS Equipment Flags
INT 12 - Memory Size Determination

INT 13 - Diskette BIOS Services
For more information see the following topics:
INT 13,0 - Reset Disk System
INT 13,1 - Disk Status
INT 13,2 - Read Disk Sectors
INT 13,3 - Write Disk Sectors
INT 13,4 - Verify Disk Sectors
INT 13,5 - Format Disk Track
INT 13,6 - Format Track and Set Bad Sector Flags (XT & portable)
INT 13,7 - Format Drive Starting at Specified Track (XT & portable)
INT 13,8 - Get Current Drive Parameters (XT & newer)
INT 13,A - Read Long Sector (XT & newer)
INT 13,B - Write Long Sectors (XT & newer)
INT 13,C - Seek to Cylinder (XT & newer)
INT 13,D - Alternate Disk Reset (XT & newer)
INT 13,E - Read Sector Buffer (XT & portable only)
INT 13,F - Write Sector Buffer (XT & portable only)
INT 13,10 - Test for Drive Ready (XT & newer)
INT 13,11 - Recalibrate Drive (XT & newer)
INT 13,12 - Controller RAM Diagnostic (XT & portable only)
INT 13,13 - Drive Diagnostic (XT & portable only)
INT 13,14 - Controller Internal Diagnostic (XT & newer)
INT 13,15 - Read DASD Type (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer)
INT 13,16 - Change of Disk Status (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer)
INT 13,17 - Set DASD Type for Format (XT BIOS from 1/10/86 & newer)
INT 13,18 - Set Media Type for Format (BIOS date specific)
INT 13,19 - Park Fixed Disk Heads (AT & newer)
INT 13,1A - Format Unit (PS/2 model 50+)

INT 14 - BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services
BIOS Asynchronous Communications Services (Status)
INT 14,0 - Initialize Communications Port Parameters
INT 14,1 - Send Character to Communications Port
INT 14,2 - Receive Character from Communications Port
INT 14,3 - Get Serial Port Status
INT 14,4 - Serial Port Extended Initialization (PS/2 & later systems)
INT 14,5 - Extended Communication Port Control (PS/2 & later systems)

INT 15 - System BIOS Services
For more information see the following topics:
INT 15,0 - Turn Cassette Motor On (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,1 - Turn Cassette Motor Off (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,2 - Read Blocks from Cassette (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,3 - Write Blocks to Cassette (PC,PCjr only)
INT 15,F - Format Periodic Interrupt (PS/2 only)
INT 15,20 - PRINT.
INT 15,21 - Power On Self Test (POST) Error Log (PS/2 except 30)
INT 15,40 - Read / Modify Profiles (convertible only)
INT 15,41 - Wait on External Event (convertible only)
INT 15,42 - Request System Power Off (convertible only)
INT 15,43 - Read System Status (convertible only)
INT 15,44 - (De)activate Internal Modem Power (convertible)
INT 15,4F - Keyboard Intercept (BIOS date specific)
INT 15,80 - Device Open
INT 15,81 - Device Close
INT 15,82 - Program Termination
INT 15,83 - Event Wait
INT 15,84 - Joy-Stick Support
INT 15,85 - System Request Key Pressed
INT 15,86 - Elapsed Time Wait (AT and PS/2)
INT 15,87 - Move Block to/from Extended Memory
INT 15,88 - Extended Memory Size Determination
INT 15,89 - Switch Processor to Protected Mode
INT 15,90 - Device Busy
INT 15,91 - Interrupt Complete
INT 15,C0 - Return System Configuration Parameters (PS/2 only)
INT 15,C1 - Return Extended BIOS Data Area Segment (PS/2 only)
INT 15,C2 - Pointing Device BIOS Interface (PS/2 only)
INT 15,C3 - Enable/Disable Watchdog Timer (PS/2)
INT 15,C4 - Programmable Option Select (PS/2)

INT 16 - Keyboard BIOS Services
For more information, see the following topics:
INT 16,0 - Wait for Keypress and Read Character
INT 16,1 - Get Keyboard Status
INT 16,2 - Read Keyboard Flags
INT 16,3 - Set Keyboard Typematic Rate (AT+)
INT 16,4 - Keyboard Click Adjustment (AT+)
INT 16,5 - Keyboard Buffer Write (AT+)
INT 16,10 - Extended Wait for Keypress and Read Character (AT+)
INT 16,11 - Extended Get Keyboard Status (AT+)
INT 16,12 - Extended Get Keyboard Status (AT+)

INT 17 - Printer BIOS Services
INT 17,0 - Print Character
INT 17,1 - Initialize Printer Port
INT 17,2 - Read Printer Port Status
INT 19 - Bootstrap Loader

INT 1A - System and Real Time Clock BIOS Services
INT 1A,0 - Read System Clock Counter
INT 1A,1 - Set System Clock Counter
INT 1A,2 - Read Time From Real Time Clock (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,3 - Set Time on Real Time Clock (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,4 - Read Real Time Clock Date (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,5 - Set Real Time Clock Date (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,6 - Set Real Time Clock Alarm (XT 286,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,7 - Disable Real Time Clock Alarm (XT,AT,PS/2)
INT 1A,8 - Set RTC Activated Power On Mode (convertible)
INT 1A,9 - Read RTC Alarm Time and Status (convertible,PS/2)
INT 1A,A - Read System Day Counter (PS/2)
INT 1A,B - Set System Day Counter (PS/2)
INT 1A,80 - Setup Sound Multiplexer (PCjr only)

INT 1B - BIOS Ctrl-Break Handler Address
INT 1C - System Timer Tick (User Routine)
INT 1D - Video Initialization Parameter Table Vector
INT 1E - Disk Initialization Parameter Table Vector
INT 1F - Graphics Display Character Bit Map Table

DOS Interrupt Summary
INT 20 - Program Terminate
INT 21 - DOS Function Dispatcher
INT 21,0 - Program Terminate
INT 21,1 - Keyboard Input with Echo
INT 21,2 - Display Output
INT 21,3 - Wait for Auxiliary Device Input
INT 21,4 - Auxiliary Output
INT 21,5 - Printer Output
INT 21,6 - Direct Console I/O
INT 21,7 - Direct Console Input Without Echo
INT 21,8 - Console Input Without Echo
INT 21,9 - Print String
INT 21,A - Buffered Keyboard Input
INT 21,B - Check Standard Input Status
INT 21,C - Clear Keyboard Buffer and Invoke Keyboard Function
INT 21,D - Disk Reset
INT 21,E - Select Disk
INT 21,F - Open a File Using FCB
INT 21,10 - Close a File Using FCB
INT 21,11 - Search for First Entry Using FCB
INT 21,12 - Search for Next Entry Using FCB
INT 21,13 - Delete File Using FCB
INT 21,14 - Sequential Read Using FCB
INT 21,15 - Sequential Write Using FCB
INT 21,16 - Create a File Using FCB
INT 21,17 - Rename a File Using FCB
INT 21,19 - Get Current Default Drive
INT 21,1A - Set Disk Transfer Address (DTA)
INT 21,1B - Get Allocation Table Information
INT 21,1C - Get Allocation Table Info for Specified Drive
INT 21,1F - Get Pointer to Current Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented)
INT 21,21 - Random Read Using FCB
INT 21,22 - Random Write Using FCB
INT 21,23 - Get File Size Using FCB
INT 21,24 - Set Relative Record Field in FCB
INT 21,25 - Set Interrupt Vector
INT 21,26 - Create New Program Segment Prefix
INT 21,27 - Random Block Read Using FCB
INT 21,28 - Random Block Write Using FCB
INT 21,29 - Parse a Filename for FCB
INT 21,2A - Get Date
INT 21,2B - Set Date
INT 21,2C - Get Time
INT 21,2D - Set Time
INT 21,2E - Set/Reset Verify Switch
INT 21,2F - Get Disk Transfer Address (DTA)
INT 21,30 - Get DOS Version Number
INT 21,31 - Terminate Process and Remain Resident
INT 21,32 - Get Pointer to Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented)
INT 21,33 - Get/Set System Values (Ctl-Break/Boot Drive)
INT 21,34 - Get Address to DOS Critical Flag INDOS
INT 21,35 - Get Interrupt Vector
INT 21,36 - Get Disk Free Space
INT 21,37 - Get/Set Switch Character (Undocumented, DOS 2.
INT 21,38 - Get/Set Country Dependent Information
INT 21,39 - Create Subdirectory (mkdir)
INT 21,3A - Remove Subdirectory (rmdir)
INT 21,3B - Change Current Directory (chdir)
INT 21,3C - Create File Using Handle
INT 21,3D - Open File Using Handle
INT 21,3E - Close File Using Handle
INT 21,3F - Read From File or Device Using Handle
INT 21,40 - Write To File or Device Using Handle
INT 21,41 - Delete File
INT 21,42 - Move File Pointer Using Handle
INT 21,43 - Get/Set File Attributes
INT 21,44 - I/O Control for Devices (IOCTL)
INT 21,44,0 / IOCTL,0 - Get Device Information
INT 21,44,1 / IOCTL,1 - Set Device Information

Device Data Word
INT 21,44,2 / IOCTL,2 - Read From Character Device
INT 21,44,3 / IOCTL,3 - Write to Character Device
INT 21,44,4 / IOCTL,4 - Read from Block Device
INT 21,44,5 / IOCTL,5 - Write to Block Device
INT 21,44,6 / IOCTL,6 - Get Input Status
INT 21,44,7 / IOCTL,7 - Get Output Status
INT 21,44,8 / IOCTL,8 - Device Removable Query
INT 21,44,9 / IOCTL,9 - Device Local or Remote Query
INT 21,44,A / IOCTL,A - Handle Local or Remote Query
INT 21,44,B / IOCTL,B - Set Sharing Retry Count
INT 21,44,C / IOCTL,C - Generic I/O for Handles
INT 21,44,D / IOCTL,D - Generic I/O for Block Devices
INT 21,44,E / IOCTL,E - Get Logical Drive
INT 21,44,F / IOCTL,F - Set Logical Drive

INT 21,45 - Duplicate File Handle
INT 21,46 - Force Duplicate File Handle
INT 21,47 - Get Current Directory
INT 21,48 - Allocate Memory
INT 21,49 - Free Allocated Memory
INT 21,4A - Modify Allocated Memory Block (SETBLOCK)
INT 21,4B - EXEC/Load and Execute Program
INT 21,4C - Terminate Process With Return Code
INT 21,4D - Get Return Code of Sub-process
INT 21,4E - Find First Matching File
INT 21,4F - Find Next Matching File
INT 21,50 - Set Current Process ID (Undocumented DOS 2.
INT 21,51 - Get Current Process ID (Undocumented DOS 2.
INT 21,52 - Get Pointer to DOS "INVARS" (Undocumented)
INT 21,53 - Generate Drive Parameter Table (Undocumented)
INT 21,54 - Get Verify Setting
INT 21,55 - Create New PSP (Undocumented)
INT 21,56 - Rename File
INT 21,57 - Get/Set File Date and Time Using Handle
INT 21,58 - Get/Set Memory Allocation Strategy (Undocumented, DOS 3.
INT 21,59 - Get Extended Error Information (DOS 3.
INT 21,5A - Create Temporary File (DOS 3.
INT 21,5B - Create File (DOS 3.
INT 21,5C - Lock/Unlock File Access (DOS 3.
INT 21,5D - Critical Error Information (Undocumented, DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=0 Get Machine Name (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=01 Set Machine Name (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=02 Set Printer Setup (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=03 Get Printer Setup (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=04 Set Printer Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5E AL=05 Get Printer Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=00 Get Redirection Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=01 Set Redirection Mode (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=02 Get Redirection List Entry (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=03 Redirect Device (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=04 Cancel Device Redirection (DOS 3.
INT 21,5F AL=05 Get Redirection List Extended Entry (DOS 4.
INT 21,5F AL=06 Get Redirection List (DOS 4.
INT 21,60 - Get Fully Qualified File Name (Undocumented 3.
INT 21,62 - Get PSP address (DOS 3.
INT 21,63 - Get Lead Byte Table (MSDOS 2.
INT 21,63 - Get Lead Byte Table (Asian DOS 3.
INT 21,64 - Set Device Driver Look Ahead (Undocumented)
INT 21,65 - Get Extended Country Information (DOS 3.
INT 21,66 - Get/Set Global Code Page (DOS 3.
INT 21,67 - Set Handle Count (DOS 3.
INT 21,68 - Flush Buffer Using Handle
INT 21,69 - Get/Set Disk Serial Number (Undocumented DOS 4+)
INT 21,6C - Extended Open/Create (DOS 4.
INT 21,F8 - Set OEM Int 21 Handler (functions F9-FF, Undocumented)
INT 22 - Program Terminate
INT 23 - Control-Break Exit Address
INT 24 - Critical Error Handler
INT 25 - Absolute Disk Read

Control Block Format (DOS 4.
INT 26 - Absolute Disk Write

Control Block Format (DOS 4.
INT 27 - Terminate and Stay Resident
INT 28 - DOS Idle Loop / Scheduler (Undocumented)
INT 29 - DOS Fast Character I/O (Undocumented 2.

INT 2A - DOS Network Critical Section and NETBIOS
INT 2A,0 - Network Installation Query
INT 2A,1 - Execute NETBIOS Request With No Error Retry
INT 2A,3 - Check if Direct I/O Allowed
INT 2A,4 - Execute NETBIOS Request
INT 2A,5 - Get Network Resource Information
INT 2A,6 - Network Print Stream Control
INT 2A,80 - Begin DOS Critical Section
INT 2A,81 - End DOS Critical Section
INT 2A,82 - End DOS Critical Sections 0 thru 7
INT 2A,84 - Keyboard Busy Loop
INT 2A,87 - Critical Section

INT 2E - Execute Command Using Base Level Command Interpreter (Undocumented DOS 2.
INT 2F - DOS Multiplex Interrupt
INT 2F,0 - DOS Multiplex Interrupt - Get Installed State
INT 2F,1 - Multiplex Interrupt - Submit file
INT 2F,2 - Multiplex Interrupt - Cancel file
INT 2F,3 - Multiplex Interrupt - Cancel all files
INT 2F,4 - Multiplex Interrupt - Pause / return status
INT 2F,5 - Multiplex Interrupt - End of Status
INT 2F,2E - Setup Error Code Translation Tables (undoc.
INT 2F,80 - PRINT.

INT 33 - Mouse Function Calls
Mouse functions can be broken down into the following classes:
INT 33,0 - Mouse Reset/Get Mouse Installed Flag
INT 33,1 - Show Mouse Cursor
INT 33,2 - Hide Mouse Cursor
INT 33,3 - Get Mouse Position and Button Status
INT 33,4 - Set Mouse Cursor Position
INT 33,5 - Get Mouse Button Press Information
INT 33,6 - Get Mouse Button Release Information
INT 33,7 - Set Mouse Horizontal Min/Max Position
INT 33,8 - Set Mouse Vertical Min/Max Position
INT 33,9 - Set Mouse Graphics Cursor
INT 33,A - Set Mouse Text Cursor
INT 33,B - Read Mouse Motion Counters
INT 33,C - Set Mouse User Defined Subroutine and Input Mask
INT 33,D - Mouse Light Pen Emulation On
INT 33,E - Mouse Light Pen Emulation Off
INT 33,F - Set Mouse Mickey Pixel Ratio
INT 33,10 - Mouse Conditional OFF
INT 33,13 - Set Mouse Double Speed Threshold
INT 33,14 - Swap Interrupt Subroutines
INT 33,15 - Get Mouse Driver State and Memory Requirements
INT 33,16 - Save Mouse Driver State
INT 33,17 - Restore Mouse Driver State
INT 33,18 - Set alternate subroutine call mask and address
INT 33,19 - Get User Alternate Interrupt Address
INT 33,1A - Set Mouse Sensitivity
INT 33,1B - Get Mouse Sensitivity
INT 33,1C - Set Mouse Interrupt Rate (InPort only)
INT 33,1D - Set Mouse CRT Page
INT 33,1E - Get Mouse CRT Page
INT 33,1F - Disable Mouse Driver
INT 33,20 - Enable Mouse Driver
INT 33,21 - Reset Mouse Software
INT 33,22 - Set Language for Messages
INT 33,23 - Get Language Number
INT 33,24 - Get Driver Version, Mouse Type & IRQ Number

INT 4A - RTC Alarm Handler Vector
INT 67 - Expanded Memory Specification
INT 67,40 - Get EMM Status (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,41 - Get Page Frame Base Address (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,42 - Get Page Counts (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,43 - Get Handle and Allocate Pages (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,44 - Map Logical Page Into Physical Page Window (LIM EMS)
INT 67,45 - Release Handle and Memory Pages (LIM EMS)
INT 67,46 - Get EMM Version (LIM EMS)
INT 67,47 - Save Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,48 - Restore Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,49 - Get I/O Port Addresses (LIM EMS ¾ 3.
INT 67,4A - Get Logical to Physical Page Mapping (LIM EMS ¾ 3.
INT 67,4B - Get Handle Count (LIM EMS)
INT 67,4C - Get Page Count for Handle
INT 67,4D - Get Page Count for All Handles (LIM EMS)
INT 67,4E - Get/Set Page Map Context (LIM EMS 3.
INT 67,4F - Get/Set Partial Page Map (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,50 - Map/Unmap Multiple Handle Pages (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,51 - Reallocate Pages (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,52 - Get/Set Handle Attributes
INT 67,53 Get/Set Handle Name
INT 67,54 - Get Handle Directory (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,55 - Alter Page Map and Jump (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,56 - Alter Page Map and Call (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,57 - Move/Exchange Memory Region (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,58 - Get Mappable Physical Address Array (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,59 - Get Expanded Memory Hardware Information (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5A - Allocate Standard/Raw Pages (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5B - Alternate Map Register Set (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5C - Prepare Expanded Memory for Warm Boot (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,5D - Enable/Disable OS Functions (LIM EMS 4.
INT 67,60 - LIM EMS Get Physical Window Array

INT 70 - Real Time Clock Interrupt (XT 286,AT,PS/2)

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