Friday, April 8, 2011

SQL Server Management, error 29506

When installing SQL Server Management studio on Windows 7 64bit it gives an error with error code 29506. The problem is we need to start this setup as Administrator. Unfortunately when we right click on the setup file, there is no option to Run as Administrator in the context menu.

A work around to this problem is we start a Command prompt (Console) as Administrator, set directory path to the location of setup file, and type the setup file name and press enter to execute.

Now the setup will start as Administrator and will successfully complete.


1. Downloaded setup file SQLServer2005_SSMSEE_x64.msi from Microsoft and saved on my local disk, in my case it is D:\Softwares\SSMSEE\

2. Open start menu and type "cmd" in the search box, you will see "cmd.exe" program

3. Now right click it and select Run as Administrator

4. First change drive by typing D: and press enter

5. Now change directory to setup location, type "cd D:\Softwares\SSMSEE\" and press enter

6. Now type setup file name "SQLServer2005_SSMSEE_x64.msi" and press enter

7. The setup will start and complete successfully. That's all

This might also be the case with Windows 7 with 32bit version, in that case same solution should work.