Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WampServer 2.0 Port Configuration

Now that you have WampServer 2.0 installed, you'll want to use it along side with other servers such as IIS. This is easily done by changing the port that WampServer 2.0 listens to. I suggest changing the port from 80 to 81.

Use Notepad or WordPad to open the files below.

  1. Open the httpd.conf file for the Apache server. On my machine, it's located here:

    • Do a search for "Listen 80" and replace it with "Listen 81".
    • Save and close the file.

  2. Open the wampmanager.tpl file. On my machine, it's located here:

    • Do a search for "http://localhost/" and replace it with "http://localhost:81/" (There are three total).
    • Do a search for "${w_testPort80}" and replace it with "${w_testPort81}".
    • Save and close the file.

  3. Open the testPort.php file. On my machine, it's located here:

    • Do a search for "80" and replace it with "81" (There are three total).
    • Save and close the file.

  4. Open the english.lang file. On my machine, it's located here:

    • Do a search for "$w_testPort80 = 'Test Port 80';" and replace it with "$w_testPort81 = 'Test Port 81';".
    • Save and close the file.

  5. Right click on the WampServer icon and click on "Exit".

  6. Restart your WampServer.

Friday, March 12, 2010

SQL Server 2005 - Get Size of Databases

EXEC DATABASE.dbo.sp_spaceused

EXEC DATABASE.dbo.sp_spaceused 'TABLE_NAME'

EXEC DATABASE.dbo.sp_spaceused '?'